Vanadium (V) Toxic Properties and Health Effects

Element Name : Vanadium
Symbol : V
Vanadium Toxicity and Health Effects in Humans:
1. Source : Vanadium is a naturally occurring element in the form of crystal.

2. Form of Intake : Every human is exposed to this toxic element through air, water and food. The exposure occurs through breathing oil or coal burns, eating contaminated food.

3. Symptoms in Human Body : Causes nausea, vomiting, mild diarrhea, stomach cramps, wheezing, conjunctivitis, Cough, sore throat and chest pain.

4. Disorders / Health Effects : Lung damage, increase in blood pressure and mild neurological effects.

5. Prevention : Avoid smoking in enclosed spaces like inside the home or car. Consult with your doctor before taking supplements containing vanadium. Measure vanadium levels in blood and urine.

6. Vanadium Level : Limit level is less than 1.8 mg


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